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const answerTrackerContainer=document.querySelector(".answers-tracker"); const questionNumberSpan=document.querySelector(".question-num-value"); const totalQuestionSpan=document.querySelector(".total-question"); const correctAnswerSpan=document.querySelector(".correct-answers"); const totalQuestionSpan2=document.querySelector(".total-question2"); const percentage=document.querySelector(".percentage"); const question=document.querySelector(".question"); const op1=document.querySelector(".option1"); const op2=document.querySelector(".option2"); const op3=document.querySelector(".option3"); const op4=document.querySelector(".option4"); let questionIndex; let index=0; let myArray=[]; let myArr=[]; let score=0; // questions and options and answers const questions=[ { q:'What are the different types of real data type in C ?', options:['float, double','short int, double, long int','float, double, long double','double, long int, float'], answer:3 }, { q:'The keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function is', options:['switch','goto','go back','return'], answer:4 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 }, { q:'Who is the Prime Minister of India', options:['Amit Shah','Narendra Modi','Rahul Gandhi','None of the above'], answer:2 }, { q:'where is the capital of India', options:['New Delhi','Kolkatta','Varanashi','Agra'], answer:1 } ] // set questions and options and question number totalQuestionSpan.innerHTML=questions.length; function load(){ questionNumberSpan.innerHTML=index+1; question.innerHTML=questions[questionIndex].q; op1.innerHTML=questions[questionIndex].options[0]; op2.innerHTML=questions[questionIndex].options[1]; op3.innerHTML=questions[questionIndex].options[2]; op4.innerHTML=questions[questionIndex].options[3]; index++; } function check(element){ if(element.id==questions[questionIndex].answer){ element.classList.add("correct"); updateAnswerTracker("correct") score++; console.log("score:"+score) } else{ element.classList.add("wrong"); updateAnswerTracker("wrong") } disabledOptions() } function disabledOptions(){ for(let i=0; i<options.length; i++) { options[i].classList.add("disabled"); if(options[i].id==questions[questionIndex].answer){ options[i].classList.add("correct"); } } } function enableOptions(){ for(let i=0; i<options.length; i++) { options[i].classList.remove("disabled","correct","wrong"); } } function validate(){ if(!options[0].classList.contains("disabled")){ alert("Please Selecto one option") } else{ enableOptions(); randomQuestion(); } } function next(){ validate(); } function randomQuestion(){ let randomNumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*questions.length); let hitDuplicate=0; if(index==questions.length){ quizOver(); } else{ if(myArray.length>0){ for(let i=0; i<myArray.length; i++){ if(myArray[i]==randomNumber){ hitDuplicate=1; break; } } if(hitDuplicate==1){ randomQuestion(); } else{ questionIndex=randomNumber; load(); myArr.push(questionIndex); } } if(myArray.length==0){ questionIndex=randomNumber; load(); myArr.push(questionIndex); } myArray.push(randomNumber); } } function answerTrakcer(){ for(let i=0; i<questions.length; i++){ const div=document.createElement("div") answerTrackerContainer.appendChild(div); } } function updateAnswerTracker(classNam){ answerTrackerContainer.children[index-1].classList.add(classNam); } function quizOver(){ document.querySelector(".quiz-over").classList.add("show"); correctAnswerSpan.innerHTML=score; totalQuestionSpan2.innerHTML=questions.length; percentage.innerHTML=(score/questions.length)*100 + "%"; } function tryAgain(){ window.location.reload(); } window.onload=function(){ randomQuestion(); answerTrakcer(); } </script> </body> </html>
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